

Passion.  Diligence.



Meet David

I have 20 years of experience working in government, non-profit advocacy, and on electoral campaigns. In government, I was Chief of Staff for New York Assembly member Linda B. Rosenthal, who represents Manhattan's Upper West Side. Among non-profit organizations, I have worked with the Texas League of Conservation Voters, where I was director for six years; and with Consumers Union, the New York Public Interest Research Group, and the Drug Policy Alliance.

I have successfully designed and led public interest campaigns at the state and city level, including to increase funding for parks, expand recycling and waste reduction programs, and pass clean indoor air laws for restaurants and bars. While leading TLCV, I significantly grew fundraising, communications and program work. I understand legislative strategy and coalition leadership, community engagement and public speaking, and strategic planning and fundraising.

Recent projects include work on voting rights in the 87th Texas Legislative Session, and fundraising, community engagement, and digital outreach for candidates at the federal, state, county, and city level.


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